Data Analytics Courses In Pune

Empower your Career with the Best Data Analytics course

Learn Python Online & Offline Under the Best Data Analytics Trainers in Pune
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Course Includes



Lifetime Access


(Course Completion)

Interview Preparation

(DSA and Soft skills training)

100% Placement Assistance

Course Overview

In today’s age, where data is gold to every business, data analytics enables companies to leverage data to identify trends, fetch business-ready insights, and use them to make informed business decisions. As a result, data analysts are in high demand everywhere, and across various business domains. Accordingly, ITView’s data analytics courses in pune with placement helps you become a competent, industry-oriented, and value-driven data analyst.

Why Choose Data Analytics from ITView?

Data analytics involves the use of Business Intelligence (BI) tools that enable companies to gather unstructured data sets, structure them, and make them business-ready, to, in turn, make informed decisions and projections. Additionally, data analytics helps businesses analyze the present and look into the future to identify new business opportunities and give them insight into leveraging them for their business. Accordingly, and to enhance the competencies of our students and to make them more industry-relevant, we cover tools that include SQL,Python,PowerBI,Tableau

Who should learn Data Analytics?

  • Any Graduates from Engineering Streams / Science / Commerce.
  • Freshers from any stream with good Analytical and logical skills.
  • Finance and Accounting Professional
  • The popular Bit Torrent peer-to-peer file sharing system is a Python program.
  • IManagement professional
  • Instagram has been developed using Python -Django Framework

Who can Learn DataAnalytics?

  • Easy for beginners to use and learn
  • Data analysts and scientist
  • DevOpS Engineer
  • Data analysts and scientist
  • Web Developers
  • Networking Professionals
  • Software Developers
  • Software Developers
  • Hadoop programmers
  • Automation Engineers
  • Desktop Applications
  • Robotics Engineers
  • Hardware level developers
  • Business Analyst

Course Outline

Duration : 6 months

Sessions :

  • Weekdays – 4 per week
  • Weekends – 2 per week

Prerequisites :

  • There is no such Prerequisites for this course.
  • Basic computer knowledge will be advantage.



Advanced Excel



Course Curriculum

MySQL Database (SQL)
  • What is Data
  • What is databases
  • What is RDBMS
  • Advantages of RDBMS
  • Why RDBMS
  • Users present in Database
  • What is SQL
  • Installing MYSQL
  • Set up MYSQL Workbench Tool
  • CREATE database, table
  • Data types in SQL
  • ALTER commands
  • RENAME table
  • DROP ,Truncate commands
  • Comments in SQL
  • Insert records in table
  • Update the table records
  • Delete the records from table
  • Managing the record in table
  • PRIMARY KEY constraints
  • FOREIGN KEY constraints
  • NOT NULL constraints
  • UNIQUE constraints
  • CHECK constraints
  • Autoincrement
  • Row Restriction WHERE clause
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • SQL Operators-LIKE IN NOT NULL
  • Literals Concatenation
  • What is a group function
  • GROUP BY clause
  • HAVING clause
  • What is a Join
  • Types of joins
  • What is subquery
  • Types of subquery
  • Single row subquery
  • Multiple row subquery
  • Corelated subquery
  • ALL ANY Operators
  • What is Trigger
  • Write a trigger in SQL
  • Usage of Trigger
  • Read excel data in SQL
Python Programming
  • Why Python where to use it?
  • Features of Python
  • Domains where Python is used
  • Python environment Setup
  • Discuss about IDE’s like IDLE, Pycharm
  • How to work in an interactive shell.
  • Identifiers, Keywords in Python
  • Operators in Python
  • Standard Project Set up
  • Variables and Data Types
  • Debugging Python Programs using debugger in Pycharm/pdb
  • Taking User Input
  • Decision or Conditional Statements
  • Repeating or Looping Statements and Nested Statements
  • break, continue and pass statements
  • List with indexing slicing and its behavior
  • Tuples its accessing and functions
  • Strings accessing and its methods
  • Set with only unique data and manipulation
  • Dictionary and its functionalities
  • How to create a Python function
  • Return type functions
  • Function with Parameters/Arguments
    • Required/Positional arguments
    • Keyword/Named Arguments
    • Default Arguments
  • Variable -length arguments
  • Anonymous/Lambda functions
  • Map() ,filter() and reduce()
  • Iterators and Decorators
  • What is a class, Structure of a class,
  • Creating Object and Accessing the behavior ,attributes
  • Constructors in Python
  • Inheritance and its types
  • Polymorphism-Overriding
  • Abstraction Implementation Hiding
  • Encapsulation data hiding
  • What is an Exceptions
  • How to handle exceptions
  • using try….except…else
  • Try-finally clause
  • Python Standard Exceptions
  • Create Custom exception/user defined
  • Exceptions raise keyword
  • What is a module in Python
  • How to access built in Libraries
  • Built in Libraries Math/Random Modules
  • Describe Packages and directories
  • How to import various modules from import statements
  • When to use packages and directories
  • Date and Time modules
  • What are Regular Expressions
  • The match and search Function
  • Search and Replace feature using RE
  • Meta characters with each symbols
  • Create a Set for valid regular expression
  • What is Multi Tasking?
  • What is a thread?
  • Thread Life cycle
  • Creation of Thread in Python
  • Start a thread
  • Using Threading Module
  • When to use files?
  • Create files in Python
  • Different file modes for reading, writing ,appending
  • os modules for various functions
  • Remove and rename a file
  • Create directories and sub directories
  • Current directory mode /remove directories
  • Python MySQL Database Access
  • Create Database Connection
  • DML and DDL Operations with Databases
  • Performing Transactions
  • Handling Database Errors
  • Disconnecting Database
Advance Excel
  • What is Excel and use Excel
  • Excel Ranges ,Selection of Ranges
  • Conditional Statements
  • Operators-Relational and Logical
  • Pivoting the data
  • Dynamic Array Formuales
  • Time and date functions
  • Formula based formatting
  • Lookup and reference Functions
  • Counting Rows and Columns
  • Joining data with VLOOKUP
  • Selecting List of Items with CHOOSE
  • Common Excel Statistical Functions
  • Counting Rows and Columns
  • Excel Data Analysis-Data Visualization
  • Visualizing Data with Charts
  • Charts Elements and Chart Styles
  • Data Labels
  • Quick Layout
  1. Buisness Intelligience Overview
    • Introduction to Tableau
    • Product Components
    • Architecture
    • Need of Data Visualization
    • Data Connectors
    • Data Model
    • File Types
    • Dimensions & Measures
    • Show Me
    • Installing Tableau
    • Different Tableau versions and pricing
    • Look and feel of dashboards created in Tableau
    • Joins Supported in Tableau.
  2. Hierarchy
    • Worksheet Options
    • File Types
    • Heap Map
    • Tree Map
    • Highlight table
    • Symbol Map
    • Filled Map
    • Scatter Plot
  3. Data Source Filters
    • User Filter overview
    • Parameters
    • Groups
    • Sets Basic.
  4. Constant Sets
    • Computed Sets
    • IN Members-Out Members
    • Combined Sets
    • Aggregated& non Aggregated Values
    • Adhoc Calculations
    • Types of Calculations (Basic, Table, LOD)
    • Calculated Fields
    • ZN Function
    • How to find No of occurrence of letters?
  5. Date Functions
    • How to find no of days to ship?
    • how to find month
    • Type Conversions
    • Logical Functions
    • IIF Function
    • User Functions
  6. Table Calculations
    • First()
    • Last()
    • Index()
    • Rank()
    • Rank Dense()
    • Rank Modified
    • Rank Percentile
    • Rank Unique
    • Running Average
    • Windows Functions
    • Conditional Colouring using windows functions
    • Difference between Normal Aggregation & Windows Aggregations
    • Quick Table Calculations – Compute Using Table Across-Pane Across Etc.
    • Calculation Assistance
  7. Table Functions
    • Running Total Difference
    • Percentage Difference
    • Percent of Total Percentile
    • Moving Average
    • YTD Total
    • Compound growth Rate
    • Rank Methods- “Competition, Modified Competition, Dense”
    • LOD Calculations-Fixed LOD
    • Include LOD
    • Exclude LOD with examples
    • Include
    • Exclude LOD
    • What is specified dimension & what is view, dimension
  8. Page Shelf
    • Analytics Window
    • Constant Line
    • Average Line
    • Median with quartiles & Totals
    • Model (Average with 95% CI, median with 95%, quartile, cluster)
    • Custom (Reference Line, Reference Band, Distribution, Band) with examples
    • Confidence Interval (CI)
    • Clusters
    • K-Means
    • Clustering
  9. Forecasting
    • 4 Factors of forecasting (Trend, Seasonality, Cyclic Fluctuations, Residues/Noise)
    • Forecast Options
    • Forecast Models
    • Additive
    • Multiplicative
    • Quality
    • Trend Line
    • Types (Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Polynomial) Options(Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Polynomial Degree)
    • Box plot
    • Dashboards
    • Purpose of Dashboard
    • Actions
    • Highlights
    • Action URL
    • Select
    • Hover
    • Menu in Actions with examples
  10. Device Preview
    • Layout manager
    • Layout Objects
    • Horizontal Vertical
    • Objects
    • text
    • Images Fixed and floating sheets Story
    • Caption number dots, etc..
  11. Data Blending
    • Data Blending Example
    • Cross-Database Joins
    • Data Extracts
  12. API Integration with tableau
    • Javascript from embdedded Analytics Using
  13. Maps using groups
    • Dual axis maps
    • YTD MTD QTD Calculations
    • How to calculate Last Year Sales
    • Current Year Sales
    • Current Year Sales
  14. Advanced Visualization
    • Gant Chart Histogram
    • Funnel Chart Traditional
    • funnel chart Bump Chart
    • Waterfall Chart Control Chart.
  15. . Tableau Online
    • User Interface
    • Publishing Workbooks
    • Data Sources
    • Scheduling
    • Extract Refresh
    • Creating Projects
    • Creating Groups
    • Users Assigning Permissions to users
    • Subscriptions of reports.
  16. Tableau Online User Filter
    • DataSource Filters
    • Dashboards
Power BI
  1. Introduction To Power BI
    • Introduction to Data warehouse
    • Data warehouse Tools
    • What is Power BI?
    • Power BI – Flow of Activity
    • Building Blocks of Power BI
    • Power BI – Primary Tools : Power Pivot, Power Query, Power View, Power Map, Power Q&A, Power BI Desktop
  2. PowerBI Desktop
    • Power BI Desktop – Install
    • Data Sources and Connections
    • Connect to Data in Power BI Desktop
    • How to use Query Editor in Power BI
    • Advanced Data changes and transformation
    • Views in Power BI Desktop
    • Modeling Data – Manage Data Relationship, Create Calculated Columns, Optimize Data Models
  3. DataAnalysis Expressions (DAX)
    • What is DAX?
    • Data Types in DAX
    • Calculation Types
    • DAX Functions : Date and Time, Time Intelligence, Information, Logical, Mathematical, Statistical, Text, Aggregate Measures in DAX
    • Table Relationships and DAX
  4. Data Visualization
    • Why Data Visualization
    • Practices for Data Visualization
    • Reports in Power BI
    • Charts in Power BI (Scatter, Waterfall, Funnel)
    • Slicers
    • Map Visualizations
    • Gauges and Single Number Cards
  5. Custom Visualization
    • What Are Custom Visuals?
    • Office Store
    • Downloading Custom Visuals
    • Importing Custom Visuals in Power BI Report
    • KPI Visuals
    • Data Binding in Power BI
  6. Power BI Integration page and Integration
    • Data Gateways
    • Content packs
    • Power BI Report Server
  7. Power BI Embedded
    • Power BI Embedded Conceptual Model
    • Workspace Collection
    • Dashboard vs Reports
    • Creating a Dashboard
    • Dashboard Tiles
    • Pinning Tiles
    • Quick Insights with Power BI
    • Power BI Publisher for Excel
  8. Power BI Q&A
    • Power BI Q&A
    • Dashboard
  9. Project
    • Project Implementation
    • Presentation on Projects
Soft Skills
  1. Introduction to Soft Skills
    • Communication Skills
    • Presentation Skills
    • Time Management
    • Body Language & Etiquettes
    • Group Discussions & Interview Skills
    • Preparation of CV
    • Interview
  2. Intelligence Skills
    • Emotional Intelligence Skills
    • Life Skills
    • Presentation on Soft Skills
    • Body Language & Etiquettes
    • Group Discussions & Interview Skills
  3. Personality Development
    • What is personality
    • Types of personality
    • Elements of personality development
    • Goal Settings
    • Creativity
    • Human Values
    • Stress Management
  4. Workplace Etiquette
    • Behavior at work
    • Personal etiquette
    • Using office utilities and resources
    • Postures
    • Gestures
    • Eye contact
  5. Self Discovery
    • Know yourself
    • SWOT – Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats
  6. Communication
    • Verbal Language
    • Written Communication
    • Speech Clarity
    • Modulation of Voice(Tone, Pitch)
    • Listening Skills


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