Empower your Career with the Best Java development course

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Fuel Your Ambition with Expert Guidance

Course Includes

Java Projects

Java Assignments

Lifetime Access

Java Certificate

(Course Completion)

Interview Preparation

(DSA and Soft skills training)

100% Placement Assistance

Java Full Stack Developer Course Overview

Java programming language was originally developed by Sun Microsystems which was initiated by James Gosling and released in 1995 as core component of Sun Microsystems’ Java platform (Java 1.0 [J2SE]). The latest release of the Java Standard Edition is Java SE 8. With the advancement of Java and its widespread popularity, multiple configurations were built to suit various types of platforms. For example: J2EE for Enterprise Applications, J2ME for Mobile Applications. The new J2 versions were renamed as Java SE, Java EE, and Java ME respectively. Java is guaranteed to be Write Once, Run Anywhere. A java full stack course is a course with extensive knowledge and expertise in full stack tools and frameworks that works with java. The java suite of technologies includes working with servlets, core java, REST API and more tools that make the building of web apps easy.

Who can Learn Java Full Stack Development Course?

  • Data analysts and scientist
  • Web Developers
  • Networking Professionals
  • Software Developers
  • Hadoop programmers
  • Automation Engineers
  • Desktop Applications
  • Robotics Engineers
  • Hardware level developers
  • Business Analyst

Who uses Java?

  • Airbnb is using Java, Uber is based on Java, LinkedIn is a Microsoft product now yet it is sporting Java. eBay is based on Java, Pinterest, Groupon, Spotify, Pandora, Square are based on Java mostly. In India, most of the big companies like Infosys, TCS, Wipro, HCL Tech, and even product companies like Naukri, Jaboong, Myntra, Flipkart, Trivago, ibibo, TripAdvisor and much more have still using Java and showing no sign of switching.
  • The biggest internet company Google has a huge percentage of its development in Java. Accenture is using Java for most of its clients. Hardware companies like Intel, Symantec, Philips, Thomson, T-Mobile are all Java lovers. Huge products companies like Thumbtack, Evernote, Klout, BetterCloud, Yelp, Okta, Slack and much more are using Java regularly.

Why use Java for Web Development?

Java is an Object-Oriented Programming Language One of the main reason for the popularity of Java is that it is an Object Oriented Programming language. For web development this feature is highly desirable as an OOP application is easier to manage and code and it keeps the system modular, flexible and scalable.

  • Java is Platform Independent
  • Java is highly Secure
  • Java has rich set of APIs
  • Java is used in so many Real World Applications
  • Java has excellent IDEs and Java tools to make you more productive
  • Java supports Multi-Threading
  • Java is Scalable
  • Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language

Full Stack Java Developer Course Outline

Duration : 6 months Sessions :
  • Weekdays – 4 per week
  • Weekends – 2 per week
Prerequisites :
  • There is no such Prerequisites for this course.
  • Basic computer knowledge will be advantage.

Web Designing




Spring + Spring Boot + Hibernate + JPA

Course Curriculum

Front End (Web Designing)
  • Introduction to world wide web
  • Protocols of www
  • Hypertext links, URL, domain name system , Web server
  • Internet , browsers, website,web application webpage, the home page
  • Overview Of SDLC
  • Seo
  1. Introduction of HTML
    • What is HTML?
    • What is Markup Language?
    • HTML Page Structure
    • Use of Web Browsers
    • HTML Editors
  2. HTML Basic
    • What is Element? and Types of Element
    • Block Elements and Inline Elements
    • What is Attributes? and how to use?
    • Paragraphs andFormatting
    • Headings
    • HTML Comments
    • HTML Symbols / Entities
  3. HTML Links
    • Relative URL
    • Image as a link
    • Create a Bookmark
    • Absolute URL
    • Attributes : href , title , target , id , download
  4. HTML Images
    • Optimizing JPEG,PNG and GIF Images
    • Embedding Images in a WebPage
    • Image as a link
    • Image Maps
    • Attributes : src , title , alt , height , width , shape , coords
  5. HTML Lists
    • Unordered List
    • Ordered List
    • Description List
    • Nested List
    • Attributes : type
  6. HTML Tables
    • Creating Tables
    • Formatting Tables
    • Table Headers and Captions
    • Attributes : rowspan , colspan , border , bgcolor
  7. HTML Form and Input
    • Creating Forms (Form Element)
    • Form Methods – Get,Post
    • Single Line Input – Textbox,Password,Hiddenbox
    • Multiple Line Input – Textarea
    • Single Selection – Radio Button, Select
    • Multiple Selection – Checkbox, Select with multiple attribute
    • File Upload – File
    • Buttons – Submit,Reset,Button
    • Attributes : method , action , type , name , value , maxlength , size , checked , tabindex , readonly , rows , cols
  8. HTML Iframe and Fieldset
    • Creating Iframe
    • Iframe – Target for a Link
    • Creating Fieldset
  9. HTML5
    • Introduction of HTML5
    • Difference between HTML4 and HTML5
    • HTML5 New Semantic (Structural) Elements
      • header
      • nav
      • section
      • article
      • aside
      • footer
      • details
      • summary
      • figure
      • figcaption
      • mark
      • progress
      • meter
    • HTML5 New Form Elements
      • datalist
      • output
    • HTML5 New Input Types
      • color
      • date
      • datetime
      • datetime-local
      • email
      • month
      • number
      • range
      • search
      • tel
      • time
      • url
      • week
    • HTML5 New Input Attributes
      • autocomplete
      • autofocus
      • form
      • formaction
      • formenctype
      • formmethod
      • formnovalidate
      • formtarget
      • list
      • min and max
      • pattern
      • placeholder
      • required
      • step
    • HTML5 New Graphic Elements
      • canvas
      • svg
    • HTML5 New Media Elements
      • audio
      • video
      • source
      • embed
  1. Introduction of CSS
    • What is CSS?
    • Why use CSS?
    • CSS and Markup Languages
  2. CSS Basic
    • CSS Syntax
    • Types of CSS
      • Inline CSS
      • Internal CSS
      • External CSS
    • CSS Selectors
      • Simple selectors
      • Combinator selectors
      • Pseudo-class selectors
      • Pseudo-elements selectors
      • Attribute selectors
    • CSS Comments
    • StyleSheet Strategies
  3. Color and Background Properties
    • Set Text and ForegroundColor
    • Set BackgroundColor
    • Set BackgroundImage
    • Set background-position
  4. CSS Text Properties
    • Set Text color
    • Set Text Alignment
    • Decorating Text
    • Set Textcase
    • Indenting Paragraphs
    • Set Text Direction
    • Arrange Letter Space
    • Arrange Word Space
    • Set Line Hight
    • Apply shadow to Text
  5. CSS Font Properties
    • Set size of Fonts
    • Apply style to Fonts like bold, italic
    • Creating SmallCaps
    • Change Fonts using Font Family
  6. HTML Div and Span Element
    • Create Div
    • Arrange Div in specific place
    • Create Webpage layout
  7. CSS Box Properties
    • Margin
    • Padding
    • Content
    • Border
  8. CSS Float Properties
    • Left
    • Right
    • None
  9. CSS Border Properties
    • width
    • color
    • style
  10. CSS Position Properties
    • Static
    • Relative
    • Fixed
    • Absolute
    • Z-index
  11. CSS List Properties
    • list-style
    • list-style-image
    • list-style-position
    • list-style-type
  12. Introduction to CSS3
    • What is CSS3?
    • Difference between CSS and CSS3
  13. CSS3 Backgrounds
    • background-size
    • background-origin
    • background-clip
    • Multiple Background Images
  14. CSS3 Gradients
    • Linear Gradient
    • Radial Gradient
  15. CSS3 Shadow
    • text-shadow
    • box-shadow
  1. Introduction of Javascript
    • What is Javascript?
    • Javascript and Markup Languages
    • Javascript Syntax
  2. Javascript Output
    • window.alert
    • document.write
    • console.log
    • innerHTML
  3. Statements and Comments
  4. Variables
  5. Javascript Arrays
    • Array Syntax
    • How to use Array values
  6. Javascript Objects
    • Object Syntax
    • How to use Object values
  7. Datatypes
    • number
    • string
    • boolean
    • object
    • undefined
    • null
    • function
  8. Operators
    • Arithmetic Operators
    • Assignment Operators
    • String Operators
    • Comparison Operators
    • Logical Operators
    • Type Operators
  9. Functions
    • What is function?
    • Why use function?
    • function Syntax
    • Types of fuction
      • Userdefined functions
      • Predefined functions
    • function invocation
  10. Conditional Statements and Loops
    • Conditional Statements
      • if statement
      • if else statement
      • if elseif else statement
      • Switch case
    • Looping Statements
      • while loop
      • do-while loop
      • for loop
      • Continue
      • break
  11. Javascript Dates
  12. HTML Events
    • Window Events
      • onload
      • onunload
    • FormEvents
      • onblur
      • onchange
      • onfocus
      • oninput
      • onselect
      • onsubmit
      • onreset
      • onsearch
    • KeyboardEvents
      • onkeydown
      • onkeypress
      • onkeyup
    • MouseEvents
      • onclick
      • ondblclick
      • onmouseover
      • onmouseout
      • onmousedown
      • onmouseup
  13. Javascript Validation
  1. Javascript Basics
    • Recall Basic Concepts of Javascript
    • Arrays and Objects in JS
    • Date and Math Object
    • Array Methods
    • String Methods
    • Set timeout , clear timeout
    • Set interval , clear interval
  2. The DOM Objects
    • Introduction to DOM object
    • DOM Methods
    • Access and Modify HTML through DOM
    • EventListners
  3. Advance JavaScript Overview
    • Functions in depth
    • JS Prototype
    • This Keyword in JS
  4. Getting Into AdvanceJS
    • OOJS concept
    • Classes and Instances
    • Exception Handling in JS
    • Constructors and Inheritance
  1. Introduction to jQuery
    • What is jQuery?
    • Why use jQuery?
    • Difference between Javascript and jQuery
    • jQuery Syntax
  2. jQuery Selectors
  3. jQuery Events
  4. jQuery Effects
    • jQuery Hide/Show
    • jQuery Fade
    • jQuery Slide
    • jQuery Animate
    • jQuery Stop
    • jQuery callback
    • jQuery chaining
  5. jQueryHTML
    • jQuery Get
    • jQuery Set
    • jQuery Add
    • jQuery Remove
    • jQuery CSS Classes
    • jQuery CSS
  6. jQueryMisc
    • jQuerynoConflict()
  1. Introduction of BS
    • What is BS?
    • What is Responsive Web Design?
    • Why use BS?
    • How to use BS and Syntax?
  2. How to Create a Layout in BS
    • Grid Classes
  3. Typography and colors in BS
  4. BS Tables
    • Bordered Table
    • Striped Table
    • Hover Table
    • Condensed Table
    • Responsive Table
  5. Navigation bar in BS
    • Inverted NavigationBar
    • Fixed NavigationBar
    • Navigation Bar with Dropdown
    • Right-aligned NavigationBar
    • Collapsing the NavigationBar
  6. Form in BS
    • Vertical Form
    • Horizontal Form
    • Inline Form
  7. Buttons in BS
    • ButtonStyles
    • ButtonSizes
    • Block LevelButtons
    • Active/DisabledButtons
  8. Images in BS
    • Rounded Corners Image
    • Circle Image
    • Thumbnail Image
    • Responsive Image
ReactJS (FE Framework)
  • Virtual DOM
  • Environmental Setup
  • Installation of Yarn Tool
  • Installation of create react –react app tool
  • Creation of react application
  • Execution of react application
  • Project structure of react application
  • What is State
  • State component data
  • Displaying dynamic data
  • Setting data
  • Changing data
  • Communication Between Components
  • Props Status
  • Handling inputs in reactJs
  • Handling input events
  • Handling form inputs
  • Mandatory Methods
  • Optional Methods
  • Asynchronus calls with axios
  • GET request with axios
  • POST request with axios
  • Handling Positive results
  • Handling Negative results
  • Imports and Exports in reactJs
  • Exporting variables,functions object classes
  • Single Page Application
  • Routing in reactJS
  • Single Routing
  • Nesting Routing
  • Introduction to react with typescript environement
  • Installation
  • Changing Port Number
  • GET POST DELETE PUT requests
  • Higher order components
  • Passing components as arguments
  • Introduction to testing
  • TestFramework for testing
  • TestSuites
  • Introduction to redux
  • Redux architecture
  • Redux Store
  • Redux reducer
  • Request to redux dispatch with actions
  • Response from redux subscribe with state
  • Redux as service
  • React with redux
  • Multiple reducers
  • Introduction to Thunk
  • Integration with ReactJs with hosted servers
  • useState
  • useEffect
  • userReducer
  • userCallBack
  • userMemo
MySQL Database (SQL)
  • What is Data
  • What is databases
  • What is RDBMS
  • Advantages of RDBMS
  • Why RDBMS
  • Users present in Database
  • What is SQL
  • Installing MYSQL
  • Set up MYSQL Workbench Tool
  • CREATE database, table
  • Data types in SQL
  • ALTER commands
  • RENAME table
  • DROP ,Truncate commands
  • Comments in SQL
  • Insert records in table
  • Update the table records
  • Delete the records from table
  • Managing the record in table
  • PRIMARY KEY constraints
  • FOREIGN KEY constraints
  • NOT NULL constraints
  • UNIQUE constraints
  • CHECK constraints
  • Autoincrement
  • Row Restriction WHERE clause
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • SQL Operators-LIKE IN NOT NULL
  • Literals Concatenation
  • What is a group function
  • GROUP BY clause
  • HAVING clause
  • What is a Join
  • Types of joins
  • What is subquery
  • Types of subquery
  • Single row subquery
  • Multiple row subquery
  • Corelated subquery
  • ALL ANY Operators
  • What is Trigger
  • Write a trigger in SQL
  • Usage of Trigger
  • Read excel data in SQL
Back End (Java Programming)
  • History of Java
  • Features of Java
  • Applications of Java
  • How a JAVA programs works?
  • JVM, JRE,JDK architecture.
  • Set up of Java Project
  • Setting the environment Path
  • Creation of Project in ECLIPSE IDE
  • First Program in Java
  • First Program in Java
  • Execute the Program
  • Variables ,Rules for naming variables
  • Datatypes and their types
  • Operators in Java
  • User Input in Java.
  • What are control Statements
  • Conditional or Decision Statements
    • If else elseif nested if else
    • switch case
    • Loops or Repeating Statements while,dowhile,for
  • Nested for loop
  • break and continue statements
  • What is an Array.
  • How to access Array and when to use it
  • Declaring arrays in java
  • Print array using enhanced for loop
  • Declare 2Darrays
  • What is a class and object
  • Structure of the class
  • What is a method and its types
  • Return type parameters
  • Default constructor Parameterized constructor
  • How objects are allocated
  • Creation of multiple objects.
  • Different ways of initialization Using reference Using methods
  • this keyword in class
  • Inheritances
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
  • What is inheritance
  • Different types of inheritances
  • Single level inheritances
  • Multilevel inheritances
  • Hierarchical inheritances
  • super keyword
  • Polymorphism
  • Method Overloading Method Overriding
  • Static variables
  • Static Methods
  • Final Variables
  • Final class and methods
  • What is abstraction.
  • How can we achieve abstraction in Java abstract class interfaces
  • What is an interfaces
  • How to write abstract class and methods
  • Why to use interface in Java.
  • What are packages?
  • Why use packages?
  • Create user defined packages
  • Access methods from different packages
  • Access Modifiers Public Protected Default Private
  • What is Encapsulation ?
  • Purpose of Encapsulation
  • What is fully encapsulated class
  • Getters and Setters
  • What is exception?
  • Types of exceptions
  • How to Handle exceptions
  • Keywords in exception Try Catch Finally Throws throw
  • Access Modifiers Public Protected Default Private
  • Create user defined exceptions.
  • What is a String?
  • How to create Strings in Java.
  • String Memory allocation.
  • String Comparison
  • String Searching
  • String Extraction
  • Splitting Strings
  • String Methods Length() Concat() toUppercase() toLowercase()
  • StringBuilder StringBuffer
  • Enumerations
  • What is a wrapper class.
  • Purpose of wrapper class
  • String Conversion
  • TypeCasting-Explicit and Implicit
  • What is Inner class
  • Why use inner classes
  • Types of inner class
  • Member inner class
  • Anonymous inner class
  • Local inner class
  • What is a framework.
  • What is collections.
  • Why collections.
  • Collections class and interfaces LIST SET QUEUE MAP
  • Iterators
  • List Iterators
  • Traversing using for Loops
  • Comparators in Collections
  • Add objects in collections
  • Traverse the objects using Iterators
  • What is a file?
  • FileWriter and FileReader
  • BufferReader IO Exceptions
  • Write and read a text file
  • Write and read properties file
  • Use properties class for read/write
  • What is a multitasking.
  • Multiprocessing and Multithreading
  • What is Thread?
  • Thread Scheduler
  • Thread Priority
  • How to create Thread
  • Daemon Thread
  • Sleep and join methods
  • Interrupted Exceptions
  • Synchronization of thread
  • Interthreaded Communication wait() notify() notifyAll()
Advance Java (J2EE)
  • JDBC and its components
  • Types of Driver in JDBC
  • Connection Interfaces
  • Driver Manager and Driver
  • Steps to connect with database using MYSQL
  • Statement in JDBC
  • Statement –CRUD operations
  • PreparedStatements-CRUD operations
  • CallableStatements-CRUD operations
  • ResultSet with Statements
  • Database MetaData in JDBC
  • What is a web application?
  • What are HTTP ,urls
  • Servlets and its usage
  • Servlet Communication RequestDispatcher SendRedirect()
  • Servlet life cycle
  • Servlet with html forms GET POST methods
  • Sessions in Servlets HttpSession Cookies Hidden Form Fields Url rewriting
  • Servlet Config and Context using web.xml
  • Servlet with JDBC database connectivity
  • Servlet MVC architecture
  • What is a JSP architecture
  • Why JSP pages
  • JSP tags
  • JSP expressions
  • ModelViewController(MVC)
  • Sharing data with with servlets and JSP
  • Request,application,session
  • Java Bean class and its usage
  • CRUD app with JSP using JDBC
  • JSP scripting
  • JSP directives
  • Mini projects using JSP
Java Frameworks
  1. Spring Core
    • Introduction to Spring Framework
    • Loose and tight Coupling
    • IOC and Dependency Injection
    • Using getters /setters and constructors
    • Spring bean life cycle
    • Injecting property and objects
    • Using inner beans
    • Injection of collections-List
    • Annotation-Based Dependency Injection
    • Spring Autowire byType and byName
    • Sterotypes in Spring
  2. JDBC with Spring
    • Introduction with JDBC Spring
    • Setup Maven with JDBC
    • How Spring integrates with existing data
    • Implementing RowMapper
    • Setup in xml file configurations
    • Create the packages and class for jdbc
    • Connectivity using the xml file
    • CRUD operations in JDBC
    • Insert Update Delete Show
  3. Spring with ORM
    • ORM(object relational mapping)
    • Use the ORM functions
    • Setup with Maven Project
    • CRUD operations in ORM with Spring
  4. Spring with JPA
    • What is JPA
    • Difference between ORM and JPA
    • CRUD Repository
    • save() findById() deleteById() findall()
  5. Spring with WEB MVC
    • Introduction to Spring MVC framework
    • Creating SPRING MVC Web applications
    • Spring MVC Architecture
    • Controllers in Spring MVC
    • View Resolvers
    • Embedd Tomcat Servers
    • Sending data from UI to controller
    • Model ModelAndView
    • @RequestBody annotation
    • @ResponseBody annotation
    • CRUD operations using Spring MVC
    • JPA with database connectivity
  1. Introduction to Spring Boot
    • Overview of SpringBoot
    • Difference between Spring and SpringBoot
    • Create a SpringBoot applications
    • Spring Initializer (start.spring.io)
    • Spring Starter Wizard in STS IDE
    • Sterotypes
    • @Component
    • @Service
    • @Repository
    • @Controller
    • @Configuration
    • @Qualifier Annotation
    • Introduction to Thymeleaf
    • Creating CRUD using SpringBoot and Thymeleaf
    • File uploading in Spring Boot


  2. Spring Security
    • What is Spring Security
    • Connect with database using the Security
    • How does Security works.
    • Deploying Django Project
    • Register using Spring Security
    • Login using spring Security.
  3. Spring REST API
    • What is REST
    • SOAP vs REST
    • Restful Services Introduction
    • REST Principles
    • JSON Introduction
    • XML vs JSON
    • HTTP
      GET POST


    • HTTP Status code
    • Convert Object to JSON and vice versa
    • @RestController
    • @RequestBody
    • @ResponseBody
    • @RequestParams
    • @PathVariables
    • Content-type header
    • CRUD operations using Spring REST API
  4. Microservices
    • What is Microservices
    • Monolith Architecture Introduction
    • Monolith Architecture Case Study
    • Monolith Application Deployment
    • Monolith Architecture Drawbacks
    • Microservices case study
    • Identifying Micro services boundaries
    • Microservice Architectures


  5. Email Handling in Django
  6. Ajax in Django
  7. Django with MYSQL
    • Introduction to DBMS and RDBMS
    • Connection with Database
    • DDL Operations(create ,alter,drop ,truncate)
    • DML Operations(insert,update,delete)
    • DQL Operations
    • Exceuting queries
    • Handling Query Results
    • Handling Query Errors
    • Joins with multiple tables
    • Order By and Group By
  8. Django with SQLite
    • Establishing connection with database
    • Accessing the database
    • DDL Operations(create,alter,drop ,truncate)
    • DML Operations(insert,update delete)
    • DQL Operations (select)
    • Joins with multiple tables
  9. Django REST API(Restful Services)
    • What is REST?
    • What is API?
    • Difference between SOAP and REST
    • What is JSON
    • HTTP Status Code
    • HTTP Methods for Restful services
    • API using Postman
  10. Django Project Set Up
    • Integration of Front End in Django
    • Using Django templating
    • Template Inheritances
    • Hosting of Projects on Server
  11. GITHUB
    • GitHub Introduction
    • Set up of GitHub environment
    • Create and Manage Repository
    • Upload Project on GitHub
    • Share Project on GitHub and how to use it
  12. Major Project
    • Integration of Project
    • Front End +Backend
    • Project Flow
    • Deployment of Projec
  1. Introduction to Hiberrnate
    • Introduction to ORM
    • Hibernate framework overview
    • Hibernate Installations
    • Mapping entities to database tables
    • Operations using hibernate
    • HQL (Hibernate query language)
    • Solving company use cases
  2. JPA(Java Persistence API)
    • JPA overview
    • JPA installation
    • JPA Entity Manager
    • JPA JPQL
    • JPA Built in Functions
DSA (Data Structure and Algorithms)
  1. Arrays and Strings
    • Largest Element in an array
    • Check if an array is sorted
    • Reverse an array
    • Moves Zero to End
    • Longest Common Prefix
    • Valid Parenthesis
    • Length of Last Word
  2. Binary Search Tree
    • Convert Sorted Array to Binary Search Tree
    • Find Mode in Binary Search Tree
    • Search in Binary Search tree
  3. Two pointers
    • Remove element
    • Merge Sorted Array
    • Valid Palindrome
    • Intersection of two Linked List
  4. Stack
    • Binary Tree Inorder traversal
    • Binary Tree Preorder traversal
    • Binary Tree Postorder traversal
    • Implement Stack using Queues
    • Implement Queue using Stacks
  5. LinkedList
    • Merge Two Sorted Lists
    • Remove Duplicates from Sorted List
    • LinkedList Cycle
    • Intersection of Two Linked Lists
  6. Binary Search and Graphs
    • Search Insert Position
    • Missing Number Intersection of two arrays
    • Graphs
Soft Skills
  1. Introduction to Soft Skills
    • Communication Skills
    • Presentation Skills
    • Time Management
    • Body Language & Etiquettes
    • Group Discussions & Interview Skills
    • Preparation of CV
    • Interview
  2. Intelligence Skills
    • Emotional Intelligence Skills
    • Life Skills
    • Presentation on Soft Skills
    • Body Language & Etiquettes
    • Group Discussions & Interview Skills
  3. Personality Development
    • What is personality
    • Types of personality
    • Elements of personality development
    • Goal Settings
    • Creativity
    • Human Values
    • Stress Management
  4. Workplace Etiquette
    • Behavior at work
    • Personal etiquette
    • Using office utilities and resources
    • Postures
    • Gestures
    • Eye contact
  5. Self Discovery
    • Know yourself
    • SWOT – Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats
  6. Communication
    • Verbal Language
    • Written Communication
    • Speech Clarity
    • Modulation of Voice(Tone, Pitch)
    • Listening Skills


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