How Java is Platform Independent

How Java is Platform Independent

Java is a popular programming language that is known for its platform independence. This means that Java code can be written once and run on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

There are two main reasons why Java is platform independent:

∙ Java code can be written once and run on any platform (Operating System). This makes it ideal for developing software that needs to be deployed on multiple platforms, such as web applications and mobile apps.
∙ Java code is compiled into bytecode. Bytecode is a machine-independent format that can be interpreted by the JVM. The JVM is a software program that runs on the target platform and executes the bytecode.
∙ The JVM provides a standard environment for running Java code. The JVM includes a set of classes that provide the basic functionality for Java programs, such as input/output, networking, and graphics. This means that Java programs do not need to be concerned with the underlying hardware or operating system of the target platform.

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