java developer course in pune

Top 5 Skillsets A Java Developer Needs To Know

There are over 700 different programming languages in the world right now going by statistics. If you’re a programmer dabbling with programming languages, you’ll definitely be aware of extensive application of Java imparted at Java developer course in Pune, by large organizations in handling their day-to-day activities. Same is the case with Java Developer who is adept at effectively designing, developing and managing Java-based applications taught at Java developer course in Pune. Java developers trained at Java training institute in Pune

, are reported to have good, prospective career growth rates with this programming language being around for almost 25 years.

To become hardcore professional Java developer, one must possess unique skillsets to make a mark in his/her respective arenas. A Java developer is a computer software programmer who applies Java programming language in development of computer applications, web development, other client and server-side requirements.

Key Skills Required for Java Developers:

  1. Knowledge of Java development-Java developers trained at Java training institute in Pune, must understand Java systems and development from Java 8 iteration onwards. Java developers benefit from familiarising themselves with latest revisions to stay updated such as:
  • Advanced Java-Advanced Java taught at Java developer course in Pune, is everything that goes beyond Core Java-most importantly, APIs defined in Java Enterprise Edition including Servlet programming, Web Services, Persistence API, etc. It’s a Web & Enterprise application development forum which adheres to client and server architecture.
  • Core Java
    • Object-Oriented Programming-OOP is programming model that organises software around data and objects instead of logic, combining objects and enhancing security and stability of code.
    • Design patterns-These’re programs taught at Java training institute in Pune, which aid in finding solution to frequently occurring problems during coding-java developers need to familiarise with three categories of design patterns.
    • Abstract classes-Abstraction is used in OOP for coding simplification, with Java developers using Java interface for advanced coding.
    • Serialisation-It’s a mechanism in Java where one object is represented as sequence of bytes, Java process performing serialisation that transports objects between Java virtual machines.
  • Java build tools-Java developers trained in Java developer course in Pune, employs Java build tools to automate source code applications, choosing from wide array of tools enabling them to complete their projects efficiently. Some tools are Apache, Sonatype, Gradle, Bazel, Nexus and Cmake.
  • Java EE components-Java EE (Enterprise Edition) comprises of many components. Java developer needs good understanding of how to compose server-side applications applying EE components which include Java Beans, Java Server Pages and Servlets.
  • Java testing tools-Apart from coding taught at Java developer course in Pune, Java developers are part of testing processes too. Testing tools enables developers to test code through separate database without employing web browser for launching application. Tools like TestNG and Selenium allow Java developers to test multiple procedures easily.
  • Manual testing in Java-Manual testing is software testing process where test cases are executed manually without automated tools according to end users’ perspective. It ensures whether application is functioning properly as mentioned in requirement document or not.
  • Java framework-Java framework is body or platform of pre-written codes used by Java developers for developing applications or web applications. It’s a collection of predefined classes and functions employed to process input, manage hardware devices interacts with system software. There’re varied kinds of Java Frameworks a Java developer should know:
    • Java spring-Java Spring taught at Java training institute in Pune, is very lightweight implementation of Java framework, usable for any type of Java project. Spring Framework is an open-source application framework providing infrastructure support for developing Java applications, aiding developers in creating high performing applications using old Java objects (POJOs).
    • Spring boot-Spring boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications. It’s Java-based framework used to create microservice (small services working together).
    • Hibernate-Hibernate is an open-source Object-Relational Persistence and Query service for any Java application. Hibernate maps Java classes to database tables and from Java data types to SQL data types, relieving developer from most-common data persistence related programming tasks.
    • Struts-It’s an open-source framework that extends Java Server API and employs Model, View, Controller (MVC) architecture, enabling you to create maintainable, extensible, flexible web applications based on standard technologies like JSP pages, JavaBeans, resource bundles, XML.
    • Google-web toolkit (GWT)-Google Web Toolkit (GWT) is an open-source Java software development framework that makes writing AJAX applications easy.
    • Java server Faces (JSF)-It’s server-side component-based user interface framework used to develop web applications, providing well-defined programming model and consisting of rich API and tag libraries.
    • Vaadin-Vaadin taught in Java developer course in Pune, is an open-source framework for building web apps in Java. 
    • Blade-Blade is tiny Java 8+ MVC framework, built from scratch with some clear goals in mind: to be self-contained, productive, elegant.
  1. Knowledge of APIs & Libraries-There are plethora of open-source libraries for Java development. Java developers getting trained in Java developer course in Pune, should be immaculately correct about API and third-party libraries. Amongst numerous libraries, one will read essential libraries and APIs that Java developers should know. Moreover, Apache Commons is one of the significant libraries comprising of 43 modular libraries encompassing domains like Math, Classes, Database, Caching, 1/0 Utils, and is considered to be Java Standard library enhancement. Google Guava is another general-purpose Java library with several independent libraries. Main features of Google Guava libraries constitute Java collections framework extension, 1/0 utilities, concurrency utilities and caching. Jackson, SLF4J, Log4j 2 are effective logging libraries that Java developers must be acquainted with.

Learn skillsets of Java developer at ITView-leading Java training institute in Pune imparting Java developer course in Pune along with placement in Pune. A prominent Software Training Institute in Pune, ITView provides a major boost to your Market Value and Employability with Job-Oriented courses like Java Full-Stack Developer Course, Automated Software Testing, Python Full-Stack Developer Course, Data Analytics Training, PHP Classes. ITView also offers regular career-specific courses like Python Classes, Selenium Training, AWS Training, Java, Tableau Training, Power BI, Angular Training, Web Designing, & DevOps Training in Pune. Chart out a successful career path in Tech Landscape!

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