Selenium Testing Course in Pune

Trained Over 5,000 Students | Comprehensive & Competitive Assessments | Qualified & Experienced Software Testing | Focus on Practical Learning

Fuel Your Ambition with Expert Guidance

Course Includes



Lifetime Access


(Course Completion)

Interview Preparation

(DSA and Soft skills training)

100% Placement Assistance

Selenium Testing Course Overview

Elevate your career in software testing with our Selenium Testing Course in Pune. Whether you are new to automation testing or looking to refine your skills, this course provides a thorough understanding of Selenium’s capabilities and applications. Our comprehensive training will prepare you to excel in the field of automation testing.

What is Selenium Testing?

Selenium Testing involves using the Selenium framework to automate web applications. It allows you to create test scripts that interact with web elements, ensuring your applications perform as expected across various browsers and platforms. Mastering Selenium enables you to develop effective test automation strategies, crucial for maintaining high-quality software.

In our Selenium Testing Course, you will explore the full spectrum of Selenium’s features, from basic concepts to advanced techniques. This course is designed to help you become proficient in creating and managing automated tests, making you an essential asset to any development team.

Why Choose Selenium for Automation Testing?

Selenium is a leading tool for automation testing due to its flexibility, cross-browser compatibility, and extensive support for various programming languages. By learning Selenium through our Selenium Testing Course in Pune, you’ll gain valuable skills that streamline the testing process, reduce manual effort, and enhance the overall quality of software applications.

Core Skills You’ll Develop

To become a successful automation tester with Selenium, focus on mastering these essential areas:

  • Introduction to Selenium: Gain a foundational understanding of Selenium and its components, including WebDriver, IDE, and Grid.
  • Programming Languages: Develop expertise in languages such as Java, Python, or C# to write effective Selenium scripts.
  • Test Automation Frameworks: Learn to implement various frameworks, including data-driven and keyword-driven frameworks, to enhance your testing efficiency.
  • Advanced Selenium Techniques: Dive into advanced topics like handling dynamic web elements, parallel test execution, and integrating Selenium with other tools.
  • CI/CD Integration: Understand how to integrate Selenium with continuous integration and delivery tools like Jenkins for seamless test automation.

Why Our Selenium Testing Course in Pune?

  • Expert-Led Training: Learn from industry professionals with extensive experience in automation testing, providing you with practical insights and knowledge.
  • Hands-On Experience: Engage in practical exercises and real-world projects that simulate actual testing scenarios, applying your skills in a practical context.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Our Selenium Testing Course covers fundamental and advanced topics, ensuring a complete grasp of Selenium and its applications.
  • Flexible Learning Options: Choose between online and in-person classes at our Pune location, with schedules to fit your needs.
  • Certification: Achieve a certification recognized in the industry upon course completion, validating your expertise in Selenium testing.

Placement Process at ITView

At ITView, we are dedicated to your career success. Our comprehensive placement process is designed to support you at every step:

  1. Soft Skills Improvement: Enhance your communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills to excel in professional settings.
  2. CV/Resume Creation: Receive expert assistance in crafting a standout CV/resume that highlights your skills, achievements, and experience.
  3. Mock Interviews: Participate in mock interviews to practice your responses and build confidence, simulating real-world interview scenarios.
  4. Placement Assistance: Get personalized support in finding job opportunities that match your skills and career goals.
  5. Continuous Support: Benefit from ongoing support and guidance throughout your job search process, ensuring you are well-prepared and informed.
  6. Job Offer and Placement: Secure job offers from leading companies with our dedicated placement assistance, helping you transition smoothly into your new role.

Career Prospects

Completing ITView’s Selenium Testing Course in Pune opens up numerous career opportunities, including roles such as:

  • Automation Test Engineer
  • QA Engineer
  • Selenium Tester
  • Test Automation Developer
  • Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET)

Why Automation Testing is Essential

In a fast-paced development environment, automation testing is vital for ensuring software quality and accelerating release cycles. Selenium’s capabilities make it an ideal tool for automating repetitive tasks and integrating seamlessly into development workflows.

In a fast-paced development environment, automation testing is vital for ensuring software quality and accelerating release cycles. Selenium’s capabilities make it an ideal tool for automating repetitive tasks and integrating seamlessly into development workflows.

Transform Your Career with Our Selenium Testing Course in Pune

Ready to take the next step in automation testing? Enroll in ITView’s Selenium Testing Course today and gain the skills to become an expert in automation testing.

Fill out the form to get more information or schedule a free demo class. Start your journey to mastering Selenium and advancing your career!

Course Outline

Duration : 6 months

Sessions :

  • Weekdays – 4 per week
  • Weekends – 2 per week

Prerequisites :

  • There is no such Prerequisites for this course.
  • Basic computer knowledge will be advantage.



(Automation Testing)


Course Curriculum

MySQL Database (SQL)
  • What is Data
  • What is databases
  • What is RDBMS
  • Advantages of RDBMS
  • Why RDBMS
  • Users present in Database
  • What is SQL
  • Installing MYSQL
  • Set up MYSQL Workbench Tool
  • CREATE database, table
  • Data types in SQL
  • ALTER commands
  • RENAME table
  • DROP ,Truncate commands
  • Comments in SQL
  • Insert records in table
  • Update the table records
  • Delete the records from table
  • Managing the record in table
  • PRIMARY KEY constraints
  • FOREIGN KEY constraints
  • NOT NULL constraints
  • UNIQUE constraints
  • CHECK constraints
  • Autoincrement
  • Row Restriction WHERE clause
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • SQL Operators-LIKE IN NOT NULL
  • Literals Concatenation
  • What is a group function
  • GROUP BY clause
  • HAVING clause
  • What is a Join
  • Types of joins
  • What is subquery
  • Types of subquery
  • Single row subquery
  • Multiple row subquery
  • Corelated subquery
  • ALL ANY Operators
  • What is Trigger
  • Write a trigger in SQL
  • Usage of Trigger
  • Read excel data in SQL
Core Java Programming
  • History of Java
  • Features of Java
  • Applications of Java
  • How a JAVA programs works?
  • JVM, JRE,JDK architecture.
  • Set up of Java Project
  • Setting the environment Path
  • Creation of Project in ECLIPSE IDE
  • First Program in Java
  • First Program in Java
  • Execute the Program
  • Variables ,Rules for naming variables
  • Datatypes and their types
  • Operators in Java
  • User Input in Java.
  • What are control Statements
  • Conditional or Decision Statements
    • If else elseif nested if else
    • switch case
    • Loops or Repeating Statements while,dowhile,for
  • Nested for loop
  • break and continue statements
  • What is an Array.
  • How to access Array and when to use it
  • Declaring arrays in java
  • Print array using enhanced for loop
  • Declare 2Darrays
  • What is a class and object
  • Structure of the class
  • What is a method and its types
  • Return type parameters
  • Default constructor Parameterized constructor
  • How objects are allocated
  • Creation of multiple objects.
  • Different ways of initialization Using reference Using methods
  • this keyword in class
  • Inheritances
  • Abstraction
  • Polymorphism
  • Encapsulation
  • What is inheritance
  • Different types of inheritances
  • Single level inheritances
  • Multilevel inheritances
  • Hierarchical inheritances
  • super keyword
  • Polymorphism
  • Method Overloading Method Overriding
  • Static variables
  • Static Methods
  • Final Variables
  • Final class and methods
  • What is abstraction.
  • How can we achieve abstraction in Java abstract class interfaces
  • What is an interfaces
  • How to write abstract class and methods
  • Why to use interface in Java.
  • What are packages?
  • Why use packages?
  • Create user defined packages
  • Access methods from different packages
  • Access Modifiers Public Protected Default Private
  • What is Encapsulation ?
  • Purpose of Encapsulation
  • What is fully encapsulated class
  • Getters and Setters
  • What is exception?
  • Types of exceptions
  • How to Handle exceptions
  • Keywords in exception Try Catch Finally Throws throw
  • Access Modifiers Public Protected Default Private
  • Create user defined exceptions.
  • What is a String?
  • How to create Strings in Java.
  • String Memory allocation.
  • String Comparison
  • String Searching
  • String Extraction
  • Splitting Strings
  • String Methods Length() Concat() toUppercase() toLowercase()
  • StringBuilder StringBuffer
  • Enumerations
  • What is a wrapper class.
  • Purpose of wrapper class
  • String Conversion
  • TypeCasting-Explicit and Implicit
  • What is Inner class
  • Why use inner classes
  • Types of inner class
  • Member inner class
  • Anonymous inner class
  • Local inner class
  • What is a framework.
  • What is collections.
  • Why collections.
  • Collections class and interfaces LIST SET QUEUE MAP
  • Iterators
  • List Iterators
  • Traversing using for Loops
  • Comparators in Collections
  • Add objects in collections
  • Traverse the objects using Iterators
  • What is a file?
  • FileWriter and FileReader
  • BufferReader IO Exceptions
  • Write and read a text file
  • Write and read properties file
  • Use properties class for read/write
  • What is a multitasking.
  • Multiprocessing and Multithreading
  • What is Thread?
  • Thread Scheduler
  • Thread Priority
  • How to create Thread
  • Daemon Thread
  • Sleep and join methods
  • Interrupted Exceptions
  • Synchronization of thread
  • Interthreaded Communication wait() notify() notifyAll()
Automation Testing
  1. Introduction to Automation testing
    • What is Automation testing
    • Drawbacks of Manual testing
    • What testcase can be automated
    • Things to be done before automation testing
    • Types of Automation tools
  2. . Different components of Selenium
    • Selenium-RC
    • Selenium Web driver
    • Selenium GRID
  3. Selenium IDE
    • Introduction to Selenium IDE
    • Installing Selenium IDE
    • Create and execute basic scripts recording tests
    • Selenium IDE icons
    • Running a test
    • Selenium Concepts
    • Element Locators
    • Asserts Accessors
    • Pattern Matches Element Locators
    • Locating Element by ID Locating element by name
    • Locating elements by CSS Summary
    • Useful Selenium Tools
    • Firebug for Firefox and Chrome
    • Firepath for xpath generation
    • IE developer tool bar
    • TestSuite
    • What is TestSuite
    • Creating TestSuite Using selenium IDE
    • Selenium IDE Overview
    • Selenium IDE General Options
    • Selenium Menu Items
    • Format
  4. WebDriver (Selenium 3.0) with Project
    • Introduction to WebDriver
    • What is WebDriver
    • Difference between WebDriver and Selenium RC
    • Architecture of selenium WebDriver
    • Configuring WebDriver in Eclipse
    • Downloading WebDriver Jars and configuring in eclipse
    • WebDriver Drivers introduction
    • HTML Driver
    • Firefox (OR) GeckoDriver
    • IE (OR) Microsoft Edge Driver
    • Chrome Driver
    • Working with IE Driver
    • Downloading IE driver Server
    • Configuring IE Driver Server
    • Basic Example on IE Browser
    • Working with Chrome Driver Downloading Chrome driver Server
    • Configuring Chrome Driver Server
    • Basic Example on Chrome Browser
    • Concept of firefox profile
    • What is Firefox profile
    • Why we need firefox Profile
    • Basic WebDriver Example
    • WebDriver Concepts
    • WebDriver Locators
    • Locating elements by ID
    • Locating elements by Class
    • Locating elements by Tag
    • Locating elements by Name
    • Locating elements by Link Text
    • Locating elements by Partial Link Text
    • Locating elements by Partial Link Text
    • Locating Elements by using CSS
    • Working with web page elements using WebDriver
    • Textbox Links Buttons Check Box
    • Radio Button List Box Drop Down
    • Selenium-WebDriver API Commands and Operations
    • Driver commands like get(―URL‖); getTitle(); getWindowHandle(); getWindowHandles();
    • close(); Quit(); ..etc. Child element commands like clear();
    • sendKeys(―Data‖); click(); getAttribute(―arg‖); getTagName();
    • getText(); isDisplayed(); isEnabled(); isSelected(); ….etc.
    • WebDriver all other commands. WebDriver Advanced Concepts
    • Importing WebDriver documentation in eclipse WebDriver DesiredCapabilities Class
    • Proxy settings with WebDriver/Working with proxy Servers
    • HTMLUnit driver and desired capabilities
    • Handling Links with WebDriver
    • Handling WebList Dynamic objects
    • Extracting links and other webelements
    • Capturing screenshots with WebDriver
    • Window handles
    • Tabbed browsing with WebDriver
    • Example of Tabbed browsing
    • Pop up handling in Selenium
    • Example of Pop up handling
    • Introducing Implicit wait and Explicit wait commands
    • WebDriver Wait Class
  5. Introduction Action class Usage
    • Simulating the Keyboard Keypress event
    • Simulating Pressing Enter Button of Keyboard
    • Simulating MoveToElement/Mouse Over event
    • Simulating Drag and Drop event
    • Working withWebTable
    • How to get row count
    • How to get data from specific cell
    • Dynamic WebTable Handling
    • Attaching files with Selenium
    • Working with Calender using Selenium
    • Handling Frames in Web Page
    • Handling cookies
    • Simulating front and back button click on
    • Listeners- Using WebDriverEventListener
    • Moving a mouse on a Object and right clicking on it
    • Finding Coordinates of a Web Object
    • Remote WebDriver
  6. Testing Framework
    • Introduction to TestNG
    • Difference between Junit and TestNG
    • Why TestNG
    • InstallingTestNG in Eclipse
    • Advantages of TestNG over Junit
    • Exploring TestNG Features
    • TestNG annotations
    • How to Use TestNG Annotations for Selenium programming.
    • TestNG Annotations Complete Usage and Limitations
    • TestNG Assert commands
    • Automate tests using TestNG.
    • xml file for suite.
    • How to create testSuite for selenium tests.
    • TestNG Execution Report
    • TestNG Results output folder walkthrough
    • TestNG Reporting features
  7. Auto IT
    • Installing Auto IT
    • Auto IT Overview
    • Why Auto IT?
    • AutoIT components
    • AutoIT commands
    • Auto IT Script Examples
    • Compiling Auto IT scripts
    • Write Auto IT programs in Eclipse
  8. Automation Framework
    • What is Automation Framework
    • Advantages of automation framework
    • Types of automation framework
    • Modular Driven Framework
    • Data Driven Framework
    • Hybrid driven framework
  9. Module Driven Framework
    • What is modular driven framework
    • Create reusable code as methods
    • Create reusable code as methods
    • Create test scripts by importing methods
  10. Data Driven Framework
    • What is parameterization?
    • Types of parameterization
    • Parameterization using Excel
    • Parameterization using Property files.
    • Random number parameterization
  11. Hybrid Driven Framework
    • What is Hybrid Driven Framework
    • Hybrid Driven Framework Implementation
    • Create Config files
    • Create Locators
    • Create libraries files
    • Create application methods
    • Create Global variables
    • Create Test scripts using TestNG Annotations
    • Create Test Suite using TestNG XML files
    • Generate Reports
    • Create Builds using Maven
  12. Selenium Grid
    • What is Selenium Grid?
    • Use of Selenium Grid?
    • When to Use It
    • Selenium-Grid 2.0
    • Difference between Selenium-Grid 1.0 and Selenium and 2.0
    • How Selenium-Grid Works–With a Hub and Nodes Installation
    • Starting Selenium-Grid
    • Configuring Selenium-Grid
    • Hub Configuration
    • Node Configuration
    • Getting Command-Line Help
    • Common Errors
    • Troubleshooting
    • Executing tests using Selenium- Grid
  13. Selenium RC Overview
    • Introduction
    • How Selenium RC Works
    • How Selenium RC Works
    • Installation
    • From Selenese to a Program
    • Programming Your Test
    • Learning the API
    • Reporting Results
    • Adding Some Spice to Your Tests
    • Server Options
    • Specifying the Path to a Specific Browser
    • Selenium RC Architecture
  14. Maven and Jenkins
    • What is Maven
    • Difference between ANT and Maven
    • Why Maven
    • Maven installation
    • Maven run commands
    • POM XML
    • Maven dependencies
    • All plugins installationsCreate builds using Maven
    • Introduction to Jenkins
    • How to integrate Selenium and Jenkins
  15. Real Time Process for Automation testing
    • Introduction About Framework
    • What is feasibility study
    • Tool Selection criteria
    • What is POC
    • Hybrid frame work creation
    • Hybrid frame work creation
    • Name Conventions
    • Local Scope Variables
    • Global Scope Variables
    • Constants variables
    • General methods
    • Object Repository Files
    • Application methods
    • Coding & Commenting Code
    • Coding & Commenting Code
    • Test Suite Creation.
  16. Cucumber Framework
    • What is BDD
    • Cucumber implements BDD
    • Downloading Cucumber Jars / Adding dependency
    • Preparing Features File having test scenarios
    • Writing a step definition
    • Writing Runner Class
    • Given, When, Then, And, But annotations and usage in features class
    • Junit Report Generation in Cucumber
    • Cucumber HTML Reports


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