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What Is Data Analysis? And How to Start Learning it today?

Do you aspire to become a data analyst? Then, at the outset, knowing a few aspects of data analytics, such as what data analytics is, the reasons to learn data analytics, popular career options, an institute for the best data analytics training would prove helpful. ITView, one of the top data analytics classes, talks about all of them.

The Significance of Data in the Modern-Day Business World 

Data, alongside human resources, and technology, forms one of the most critical assets for every enterprise that looks forward to thriving in today’s competitive business world. Leveraging data appropriately enables companies to use it for the business’s advantage, understand the micro and macro market situation, and explore and identify relevant business opportunities. In other words, data gives companies a competitive advantage – but only when analyzed correctly!

Correct analysis – yes, that’s the key phrase. Data proves advantageous only when companies analyze it appropriately. And, it is data analytics that enables it. One of the most significant reasons for the emergence of data analytics was the need to be able to use data to interpret trends, understand various patterns, and thus, make informed business decisions. As a result, data analytics has become integral to every business, and data analyst, in-demand professionals.

What is Data Analysis?

In simple words, data analysis constitutes the process of sorting through substantial amounts of unstructured data and obtaining key insights relevant to the business from it. These insights enable companies to make informed decisions that further prove helpful in devising business strategies, enhancing competence and sustenance.

The process of data analytics involves a range of procedures that include,

  • Determining the objectives of analytics
  • Gathering relevant data
  • Cleaning the data to enhance its quality
  • Preparing data for analysis and interpretation
  • Formatting the data appropriately
  • Eliminating unnecessary data
  • Data manipulation
  • Data analysis and interpretation using statistical tools
  • Data presentation with the help of visualization tools, graphs, charts, etc.

Why Learn Data Analytics?

As indicated earlier, the significance of data to modern-day enterprises makes data analytics a crucial aspect of the business. Accordingly, some reasons to learn data analysis include,

  • Above-average salaries
  • Enormous growth in the demand and then the number of data analytics positions in the future
  • In a way, data analysts catalyze business growth
  • Data is critical to every industry. Hence, data analysts can work in any sector
  • You handle data, one of the most vital aspects of business!

What are the Various Career Options that Rely on Data Analysis?

As a data analytics expert, you do not confine yourself to working as a data analyst. You can also work as a,

  • Data Engineer
  • Quantitative Analyst
  • Operations Analyst
  • Data Analytics Consultant
  • Marketing Analyst
  • Business Intelligence Analyst
  • Project Manager

Which is one of the Best Institutes for Data Analytics Training in Pune?

With years of experience in delivering successful batches, and making a significant contribution to the industry, ITView, undoubtedly qualifies as one of the best institutes for Data analytics training in Pune. The institute conducts regular and online data analytics classes. It ensures comprehensive training through a competitive and regularly updated course curriculum, highly experienced trainers, and a supportive learning environment that focuses on deriving value from education. So, as an aspirant, enroll in ITView, and embark on your way to a successful career in data analytics!

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